Thursday, January 21, 2010

Been A Long Time...

Yeah, well, I've been busy. I'm going to try to stick to a "2 movie per week" schedule from now on, but I can't make any promises (that whole having a 4 month old kid kind of makes it difficult to watch any movies until after she goes down to sleep for the night, and by then I'm exhausted and really just want to go to sleep).

Anyway, I mentioned in an earlier blog that I would try getting netflix to stream on Linux; well, I did and it didn't work. Big surprise. Which kind of sucks, unless I want to watch everything on the bedroom computer (or wait for it come on disc), because we don't have a TV set, the living room is a home-theater system that's hooked up to a computer that runs Linux. I did some creative googling and found a couple of different ways to get Linux to do it, but it required a lot of stuff that may be a little less than legal. However, my darling husband came home today and said that he'd heard somewhere that netflix was going to be releasing a disc that made the Nintendo Wii compatible to stream with their website. Awesome for me, because we also have our Wii set up through the projector in the living room, so I looked around the netflix site and found the area to pre-order the disc.  So, if you have a pre-existing account, click here, and if you don't, click here to sign up.  

One more note, I already said that in my haste to watch Les Vampires, I didn't notice that netflix only had the first 2 episodes.  They're in the process of getting the rest of it on disc, and I have it saved in my queue, but they don't have it yet and so they can't send it to me yet.  So I'm going to have to wait to review that one until I can get my grubby little paws on it, and I have no idea as of now when that will be, so I'm going to forge ahead, and get on with the next movie, Intolerance (1916), probably tomorrow (if the baby lets me sit for a couple hours uninterrupted). 

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